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Without Me You're Nothing (Hardcover, 1981, Simon & Schuster) No rating

I picked this up expecting to just have a fun time reading an old computer manual. But then I realised that:

(a) it's written by Frank Herbert—yes, THE Frank Herbert who wrote Dune!

(b) it's not just instruction manual but also a guide on how to think about computers, including busting myths about computers being too complicated; myths which businessmen have intentionally perpetuated to prevent the common public from getting to interested (you get the idea)

(c) being written by Frank Herbert, it's of course got a lot of philosophy and interesting anecdotes and metaphors

(d) because of all that it's not at all outdated and most of it is still relevant today!

Maybe I should sit down one day and properly learn BASIC...

finished reading The Power by Naomi Alderman

The Power (EBook, 2017, Little Brown and Company) 4 stars

What would happen if women suddenly possessed a fierce new power?

In THE POWER, the …

Stumbled upon this author via a Guardian article about phones making music inaccessible to children! (Alderman was quoted there because she'd written an article about the danger of overdigitalisation in general).

It's a fun read, the disturbing thing being all this would be pretty run-of-the-mill if the genders were flipped. As it stands, there is a certain schadenfreude in watching things play out ;)

I won't spoil it by saying more but oncce I started reading the prologue/preface/whatever that was it left me intrigued!

Talking to My Daughter about the Economy (2019, Penguin Random House) No rating

In Talking to My Daughter About the Economy, activist Yanis Varoufakis, Greece's former finance minister …

Finished reading this in one sitting! A great introduction to the economy, not least because it references Mary Shelley's Frankenstein ;)

Actually, it references a lot of other well-known texts as well, such as the Iliad, the legend of icarus, and the story of Faust and the Devil. And then explains how the economy works through the lens of those stories! I was hooked in the beginning when Varoufakis tries to answer his daughter's question of "Why do we have inequality?" and realises a better way to answer that may be with another question: Why didn't the Aborigines in Australia invade England?

Frankenstein (Wordsworth Classics) (Wordsworth Classics) (1997, Wordsworth Editions Ltd) No rating

Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus is an 1818 novel written by English author Mary Shelley. …

Finally got around to reading this—and what a read! Those who think of Frankenstein's monster as just an evil creature created by man should definitely read this to get the full nuanced view. Thanks to for going on about Shelley till I eventually picked up her book!

The Reluctant Fundamentalist (Paperback, Penguin Books) No rating

At a café in Lahore, a bearded Pakistani man converses with an American stranger. As …

This has been vaguely on my to-read list for a while, and I finally went through it—in one sitting! Incidentally, the story in the book also takes place in one sitting, albeit in a monologue covering many other incidents in the past.

Double entry (2011, Allen & Unwin) 4 stars

A fascinating exploration of how a simple system used to measure and record wealth spawned …

Putting accounting into context in today's world—and what a context it is!

4 stars

I stumbled upon this book when I was learning about accounting in order to get my personal finances in order. While I came in expecting to read mainly about the methods used by the merchants and sailors, the introductory quote itself hinted at much more.

After going into the origins of accounting and how it spread across Europe—the suspicious gaze of the Church notwithstanding—Jane Gleeson-White goes on to describe how accounting changed the way people think about wealth: of themselves, of their nations, and even of the planet! It's not just the simple act of bookkeeping, but also the idea of measuring wealth: tabulating everything into a standard form, and then using that to draw conclusions.

The main problem today is, of course, that what doesn't get entered into account books is ignored (as exemplified in Kennedy's famous speech about GDP). This is an argument I've heard in many books, …

Double entry (2011, Allen & Unwin) 4 stars

A fascinating exploration of how a simple system used to measure and record wealth spawned …

...and I'm done! This was a great read. Apologies for quote-flooding your feed, but Bookwyrm has a way to filter out quotes so I hope you'll be fine 😅

I'll write a proper review in a bit; here finally is one book where I'm all fired to write one! 😛

Double entry (2011, Allen & Unwin) 4 stars

A fascinating exploration of how a simple system used to measure and record wealth spawned …

I'm getting my personal finances in order using plaintext accounting: it's basically the "double entry bookkeeping" everyone keeps talking about, but in plaintext format, and then you can use tools like ledger-cli and to analyse it.

So when I stumbled upon this book, I thought, hey, if I'm going to do this why not go all in? 🤪

Great Japanese Stories (2023, Penguin Books, Limited) No rating

This new dual-language edition of ten stories selected from The Penguin Book of Japanese Short …

My parents found this dual Japanese/English short story collection at Bookworm (on Church Street, Bengaluru) and I'm using it to (finally) test the results of my Duolingo Japanese lessons.

The book is well laid-out, with the Japanese text on the right and its English translation on the left. It's a slow start, but I surprise myself by actually being able to comprehend half the Japanese, and match the rest when I refer to the English translation!

finished reading Bête by Adam Roberts

Bête (2014, Gollancz) 5 stars

A man is about to kill a cow. He discusses life and death and his …

That was an intense read! I wouldn't say it was very rich literature-wise (especially after The Odyssey) but story-wise it had a good balance of depth and lightness. And plenty of humour!